Last night I went outside to run up and down my road because I was getting way to hot and sweaty from running laps around my kitchen and my backyard was a swamp. I decided to run to the school and back a few times until I hit my 10,000 steps- stay close to home but get OUT! I didn’t grab my coat or change my shoes from my inside ones to outside ones, I just clipped on a couple of flashing lights for safety and dashed out the door with Fred on leash, and stepped into a downpour. No, I don’t live in a hurricane zone, but I do live in what is pretty darn close to a temperate rain forest and Ms. Mother Nature put on a fierce display! I was halfway expecting Heffalumps and Woozles the make their way down the road with the level of blustery night we were at! Fred, being my wise girl, was so over it by the time we got to our next door neighbor’s driveway. By the time we passed her favorite fence and her friend dogs were not out, she was done. She was soaking wet, so I turned around and headed back to the house, where she zoomed to the porch and inside ASAP! I quickly unsnapped her leash and headed back out, and who do you think followed? At the last minute, she changed her mind, so I leashed her back up and went for another lap. This time we didn’t make it to the end of our driveway before she tried to head back. I made her take another lap with me, and by the time we got back to the house she and I were both soaked to the skin, glistening wet.

I dropped her off and headed out again and felt more alive than in ages. Fred was so funny, the weather so wet, the wind was so strong that I filled with joy as I ran. I ran like I did when I was a kid, fast and fierce, not caring that my lungs felt like they would burst. I ran for joy and for the need of getting out of the house. I ran in the dark and the rain and let my fear of cars and wet feet go. I just ran and the switch flipped. All of the sudden I could feel that shift of running for a workout turn to running for fun, and that was glorious.

Selfies, all week long 😉
I almost met my goals this week. I ran last Sunday, did an indoor, kitchen run on Wednesday, yesterday I mixed it up with my exciting rain run and some kitchen running. I only lifted once, and at first when I realized this I got down on myself until I remembered that I was SO SORE from what lifting I DID do that I didn’t even consider a second round! Ha! I didn’t track every day, but that was because I ate pretty much the same thing every day. I’m sticking with my plan, for the most part. Then on Friday, I don’t know what happened, I totally forgot my nutrition plan and made a huge sandwich and ate it with a bunch of chips. When Bradley came in and asked me how many calories I thought that sandwich was (for his tracking purposes, he’s trying to lose fat, too), I suddenly realized what I’d done. It’s ok- we learn from mistakes and I learned that even though I’m eating the same thing every day, I need to keep my food intake at the front of my focus so I don’t forget. One way to do that is to keep tracking and staying accountable. Lesson learned. 👍

Last night we went to the thrift store to wrassle up some outfits for the Cap’n Jack Treasure Run, happening on my birthday, next week! Today we went for our last big training run and Jude ran five whole miles! I was so proud of him! On top of that, it was gorgeous out there today. It only added to that joyful feeling I had last night!
Goals for this week:
- Stay on target for calorie consumption! Track at least three days to keep it in your focus!
- Run three times.
- Lift twice- maybe spin n lift followed by body pump the next day.
- Don’t celebrate your birthday until your actual birthday.
- Weigh
- Post
Last week I weighed in on Friday at 222 followed by a staggering 228 on Tuesday. I was astonished. I ate treats for Gigi’s birthday, but not to the tune of six pounds! Today I weighed in at 221 again. Who would have thought I’d be happy about weighing 221? But I am!
Have a great week!
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