If I look smug it’s because I’m feeling kinda proud of myself. A week and a half ago I decided to start bringing my best again and could hardly walk after one session of bodypump. Since then, I ran a bunch of miles, I lifted a bunch of weights, I took a bunch of Alleve and kept on going through the misery of being so sore I could hardly walk or get off of a chair! But today? I’m not sore. I added weight to my bar today and finally pushed beyond just showing up. Today felt so good and, yeah, I’m proud I pushed through the last 11ish days to get back to me! Woohoo!! Now things get really fun!
I also added Diet root beer back into my diet. Guess what? I walk around feeling full all of the time. That’s nice for me, yes really. Suddenly I’m not shoving calorie filled carbs in my face and I appreciate that more than the lack of fake sugars. It’s like I have a trade I can make and that crutch helps so much. What’s next?
- Keep getting 10,000 steps per day
- Body pump twice this week and run twice
- Add journaling food into the habits
- Stay off the scale. I hopped on to see I was down to 224 and hopped on the next day to see 229. Just. Stop.
- My doctor offered to send me to a nutritionist again. Ha ha ha! She said it’s not the meds. I think I problemsolved it and don’t need to return to that place. What a waste of time, energy and money.
You killed it for sure. Exercise can be a real moral booster for me. I hate the scale too. Once a week is plenty. It keeps me focused. Have been to a nutritionalist but the was nothing she was able to tell me that I don’t already know. You are doing great.