I beat the Diet Bet! Woot woot!
They aren’t pretty, but here are the official before/after shots from the bet:
I am not used to being able to see a very big difference until I have lost 30-40 pounds, so color me amazed that I can actually see the ten pound difference! It is weird to be small enough that a miserly ten pounds makes a difference. WEIRD. It looks like my Christmas cookies and fudge were chilling out around the booty and thighs because that is where I look smaller to myself.
I have committed to doing another bet next month, but I’m not sure that diet bet is for me. It became a bit stressful at the end. It was funny, because when I started diet bet I felt all smug that I had PMS water weight AND holiday blitzkrieg pudge. Little did I think that on the other end, thirty days later, I would have PMS water weight again. That was unnecessarily stressful, having to factor that in. We will see how it goes next month, but I’m not going to get all crazy. (I’m not sure why my confidence is waning for the February bet- maybe I’m worried that January was a fluke?!)
More than anything, I just know my body’s weightloss patterns. I tend to have an amazing month about every third or fourth month where I lose 10-15 pounds, then a few months where I lose 4-6. I just hate to set myself up for failure… We’ll see what happens in February. My goal is to hit 200 by my son’s sixth birthday. I’m 13 pounds and seven weeks away… I think I can…
We ran today with the dog. We love the dog, but she can be difficult on the runs. Either she pulls us really fast and I wear out or she fights it and tugs back. Rarely does she just agreeably trot alongside us, unless she is off leash (which she is good at but it’s frowned on and illegal in our neighborhood). Anyhow, I didn’t want to exercise today- it seems like that is my theme lately and I’m not loving it. I especially didn’t want to do cardio on the elliptical- I like it, but I like the view on a run much better and it seemed boring to elliptical today. Anyhow, once I’m in the run or the workout, I’m fine, but I dread it until the moment I actually do it and mid run I feel elated and high and wonder what was the problem anyhow? Do you want to know what makes a run feel a lot better? When you get your third best time ever, quite on accident! I PR’d my third best mile today, thankyouverymuch. I suppose it was a very good thing that we brought our puppy along, now, in retrospect.
Hi, Tamara
I signed up for DietBet – thanks to you 🙂 I’m 2 weeks in and have been messing around, and now have to GET SERIOUS to be able to win it. it does kind of mess with your psyche a bit. 12 days of clean food and actually working out instead of thinking about working out needs to happen. thanks, though – it might be the boost I need to not gain the spring 20 pounds I did last year… catching it at 14 this time, I hope. Love your blog and writing style and can’t wait to do a blog binge soon. hang in there – you are so lovely and funny! June
I am SOOO proud of you, my dear daughter. Congratulations!!!