Remember my ambitious exercise plan that I made last weekend? I actually did it all! I know it’s not that big of a deal to work out that many days in a row, but I think it’s my general practice to work out so many days in a row and then feel like I earned a break. So I take a day or two off and then hit it again when I’m feeling a little more healed, or I halfway work out for a day in between days off to make myself feel better. I had planned on pilates Friday, but by Thursday I was starting to feel pretty tired. On Friday morning I woke up and cried. I didn’t want to go at all, and had Janice not been there, I would have skipped. By the time the class was over, followed by a thirty minute balance and stretching. Class, my body felt loose and open. That was the exact effect I was going for! After spending the week lifting, it was lovely to open up my body again and stretch out all the tightness. When I got home, I felt glorious! I was so proud to have comlpeted the work. And not just complete it, but to know I brought my a game to every class. That I squeezed the muscle groups I was supposed to squeeze with every rep, felt the burn and left it on the gym floor. It was a great week and I feel accomplished. Silly, I know, but I went hard! For me, at least.😉
I feel like this song:
Today I woke up feeling satisfied about enjoyin my rest day. I had big ideas of doing nothing, but something was gnawing at me. I didn’t want to go on my long run tomorrow without waking up my muscles today with a short run. It was supposed to be hot, so off we went, bright and early, for a nice three miles. Bradley just got a Microsoft exercise band to he’s new to data tracking and all that goodness. Today’s run was his innagural run with the band so we were super excited about tracking data. My eleven minute mile has my heart at an anaerobic 165 beats per minute. Bradley, on the other hand, was at 140, cruising along aerobically. I found it really interesting that we were so different and how I get to run much slower for the kind of workout that I want. 👍😆
It is great you & the hubby ran together. I love when John accompanies me. He could run much faster & farther but he goes right with me. Makes me try even harder.