
I was headed back to my classroom after work this afternoon when I spied a friend/coworker of mine waiting to chat with me. I won’t go into the vast details, but she told me about her struggle with her body, about her body goals and about how she read my blog and a few others and came to the decision that it is time to take control back. She’s totally got that determined glint in her eye. I’m so proud of her. SO PROUD. And so honored that she would share that with me.
One of the things we talked about was honesty and how one of the first steps in making this gargantuan decision is making sure to be honest with yourself. Using the excuses of, “I had a bad day so I deserve this decadent treat,” or, “I had a bad day so I don’t have to work out,” are just lies that we tell ourselves to get out of less favorable activities. It’s so easy to lie to yourself, too. It’s easy to say you’ve been soooo good so it’s ok to indulge or things have been so stressful that you need chocolate. I get it. I’m a big time stress eater. That is why PMS is so difficult for me! But the lies only lead to poor choices, and I find that the feeling of accomplishment far outweighs any material reward, food or otherwise, that I have found thus far. And I really hate screwing up and seeing the scale bump up a bit too! Being honest with myself and reminding myself of the authentic outcome of my behavior is a huge motivator for me!
So I keep running and watching my calories.
But look at what’s happening: community. 🙂
Like this:
Rhiann and I rocked the run today again. This time I was able to get a derpy run face of the both of us:

We kept a really solid pace too! After I got home I started looking at my statistics on my Strava. I was embarrassed at the end of summer that my Strava just read two runs per week when my goal was to have averaged 4 runs per week. Granted, I was working out on the Bowflex a lot more, using the elliptical and hiking a lot, but still. I was disappointed. Well, disappoint no more!

That’s right. Four runs per week! Woot! And the net result is the fat just seeming to melt off! I never lose weight at a pace like this. I’ve lost ten (yes TEN) pounds since the start of September! TEN! LOL! My back to school clothes are already starting to drape and the ones that were a little tight are starting to look a little bit better.

So… Do you see that?! Yep, I figured out if I wear fuzzy socks on the scale I look classy AND don’t have to show my gross feet. Oh, and I weigh 222.8. That’s all.
(Eye roll! I don’t even know when I ever weighed this much. This is like me at 19 or 20 territory!)

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