The Blerch was real, last Saturday, and he chased us around Greenlake for a battery powered parade! When I signed up for the race I thought it was like any other run- morning run, done by nine, back home and in bed. Newp. This run started at 4:30 PM at the start of a brittle, bitter cold spell in Seattle. We are used to humid, moist air up here so when it freezes this hard we get whiny and dry. Or at least I do. The bib pick up was directly before the race which made me antsy about a long line so I had to get going early. Of course. Then I had to get to the start line about an hour early just to make sure I was there on time. Of course. Then the race started a half hour late so by the time we started I was so happy to get moving and get warming!! It actually took almost until the end of the race before I actually warmed up enough to take my vest off, but as soon as I finished the race I put that bad boy right back on!
It should be mentioned that indeed I did want to run this race. It’s not secret that I kind of adore the Blerch races, the Oatmeal comic and Matt Inman for putting the whole shindig together (that’s him, by the way, with the turkey hat). I also wanted to run it with my bestie who lost her dad recently. I’ve been amazed at her grace under the pressure of an ailing father. I’ve admired her strength, love and humor as she helped to nurse him through the remaining days of his life. At his service, I didn’t know what to do to commemorate this moment, so when the race came up I thought it was a fun way to remember him. It wasn’t like the Blerch had a lot to do with her dad, but for me, at least, it was my moment of being with her, doing something positive in his memory to raise raise ourselves up and share some festive love. It was an even bigger bonus that her sister and my friend, Vicki, also came along with her daughter Brooke. Bradley and Freddie even sneaked into the race and it ended up being a whole family affair! I had a splendid time. 🙂
I love you so much! Bless you, my friend!
Race looks like a blast. Wish we had those kinds of races here.
I’m also one who goes way early to races, I get anxiety thinking about a line lol!! I’m that with everything I do though too, always early lol! I told my husband last night that we need to move to Washington, all the fun stuff is there!! lol