Two Slices of Awesome

Today served up a couple of awesome things that brightened my day exponentially.  

1.  I opened my email to find the advertisement for Beat the Blerch: Christmastime!  On December 3rd, Jude, Guinevere and I will be jogging around Greenlake one, easy time.  I’m looking forward to this race so much!  All the fun of a Blerch, but in the bite size serving of a 5k.  It sounds perfect.  At the very least, I can walk around that lake a lot and run a little.  

2.  I opened another email to find out that my blogger profile went live on the Orca Running site!!!  I’ve been feeling like it’s cool that I was invited, but today when I saw it up on the website, alongside the other Orca Running ambassadors, I felt really proud.  Like I was part of something all of the sudden.  Cue the shoegazing, blushing shuffling of feet awkwardly.

(Don’t even, ever forget to get your friends-and-family, yeah-we-know-her discount of 10% by using the code TAMARASHAZAM17 when you register for any races!!!)

All of this is making me itch HARD for a run.  I’m so ready.  Let’s do this.  I feel totally and completely normal.  Squeeee!  You know, this day started so much darker than it ended.  I love it when a day proves that it is not nearly as terrible as I made it out to be.  😊