48 Hours Later…

I’m still slowly and painfully dragging my boot-camped booty out of bed, two days after booty camp. In pain. Sore. Oh. My. Goodness. I’m all whiny and asking for excessive hip, leg, back and butt massages. Way more than my quota. I can’t even remember the last time I felt like this!!! Like, it must have been high school, or a big hike right after, or… I don’t even know. That’s how significant my soreness is!
Really, it’s kind of funny because I throw myself into any exercise with 100% effort. I don’t hold back because I don’t trust myself to give maximum effort if I allow for any modifications. Modifications, for me, mean that I just dumb the exercise down until it’s easy, I hardly break a sweat and I think I worked out, later I eat like I worked out but, really, I didn’t work out. I used to count meandering the mall on a window shopping expedition as ‘walking’, so you can understand why I’m so hard on myself and don’t allow for excuses or modifications. So, when our instructor Camille told us to get five pound weights, or smaller if we needed to modify, I went with fives. It’s true that my arms were burning beautifully and exhausted when I put the weights down, so I know I did great work, it just hurts a lot more than I expected! And when she told us to do burpees, or planks, or push ups, or crunches, I didn’t stop. Well, except when she did this amazing slow sit-up thing with her arms over her head that I couldn’t even do. I just laid there and crunched… But still. I did that workout and didn’t even think that much of it in the moment. Sure I was sweaty and tired, but I really am surprised by how I am feeling. I planned to run this weekend and can’t even imagine. I’m wondering if I’ll be able to Zumba on Tuesday! LOL!
Not really. I’ll totally be there.

My exercise level this weekend was limited to a walk and a visit to our local ‘parklet’. Whoever knew such a thing existed?! But for me, it was good. That said, I had planned on running a time or two- ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA! We also got our portraits taken. You know, the ones at St. Ed’s in the fairy grotto with the buttery light? Yep. That happened last night with my friend Hannah Elvrum. It was harder than I thought to not cheese to the camera. Really hard. But what I’ve seen so far is pretty amazing. You think you know what your kids look like from being with them every day until someone else takes their picture. Wow. I’ll share after I’ve had a chance to see more of them. 😉
Oh. And do you remember what’s happening on Wednesday? Do ya? Do ya?! Here’s a hint:

Oh, I think I do. And yes. You’re going to have to tolerate these on every post this week.
(‘The Right Stuff’ should be stuck nicely in your head now.)