First Daze (School’s Official Beginning)

I’m tired-out so I’m keeping it short and sweet tonight. 🙂

Today was day one of the 180 or so days I get to teach this year. I’m hopeful about the group of kids I met today. They seem sweet, well intended and kind. Kindness goes a long way with me. Kids can be squirrels, but if they are sweet little wigglers, and not sour ones, it makes the year so much more pleasant. I’m optimistic, and thrilled to report just that!
I have been spot on with exercise and pretty solid on diet over the past few days. I’m not an angel, but I’d call it success. I do need to drink more, though; I drank almost nothing today. Tomorrow I’ll get my water and tea all ready so I just have to grab a cup and drink.
Yesterday I didn’t exercise at all (we were busy from 6:00 – 7:00) so today I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and about 15 on my arms. As soon as this posts I’m watching American Horror Story on Netflix (it’s ridiculously good) and working my abs and more arms for my arm’s race.
Oh- just for fun- Bradley was cleaning up our iPhoto library and found my first day of school picture from two years ago- 9/2011. Sadly, I didn’t take a first day picture today, but I did find a recent full body one that looked similar enough. It’s interesting to see the difference in two years!
