Lake 22 (Again)

We hiked up to Lake 22, in the Verlot Service Area outside of Granite Falls, on Tuesday. As much as we love to hike, it was difficult to get up the oomph this summer and head to the mountains. Our hiking was pretty local and stuck to mostly shorter, city hikes at local parks. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just like to get out to more secluded places. They’re where I get all goose bumpy and holy feeling. It’s goofy, I know, but I feel clean and pure after going in the woods; there’s something cleansing about it for me. I’m hoping we can hit the hills a few more times before the summer’s up.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I get a really solid calorie burn, too, when I hike. I know this because I test my heart rate often and I’m in the fat burn zone, I’m breathing hard and my muscles feel it while we are on the trail. I mention this because often times I think people talk down hiking like it’s not serious business; like it’s just a walk in the woods. It is fun and it is just a walk in the woods, but you’re gaining pretty solid altitude at a pretty decent clip which results in a decent cardio workout. We aren’t running up the hill, but we don’t meander, either. I’m amazed that my little seven-year-old Jude can go so quickly, uphill on uneven terrain like he does. The rocks you see under our feet are pretty consistent on the entire trail; it can be pretty wearing on your joints and feet traversing those rocks for 2.7 miles each way. I suppose he earned the name ‘King Kong Mountain Goat’ for a reason when he was a toddler! 🙂 Anyhow, I just wanted to give props to all my people out there climbing hills and feeling tough for doing it. It’s not a small feat!

I woke up this morning, just as sore as anything. My calves were like rocks and took some serious rolling. I took the day off, kind of, and did getting ready for school tasks while also hanging out with my kids. I’m going to miss our lazy days, but today we all admitted that there are definitely things we are looking forward to about going back to school. But before then, more hikes! I think we are heading out somewhere tomorrow!