
My lazy summer just got a swift kick in the rear. I finally sat down to look at the calendar and faced the reality that August is swiftly slipping through my fingers. Man! That was fast! I mean, it wasn’t, but doesn’t it just seem like there’s never enough of this part? I guess that’s what keeps us working in toward more of this family time bliss!

Today my task and my cardio were all about the paint. It worked. My back was sore by nightfall and required I an Aleve the next morning when I woke up in my completely repainted room! I promised myself that by the end of summer I would paint my bedroom a super yummy turquoise color that was just on this side of daring. Goal met. Bradley gave me carte Blanche to make it as girly as I wanted, and I make no apologies. I’m severely nuts about turquoise lately and I wanted to do the 1980’s pink/coral accent bit with the bright turquoise. I like the paint right now but I’m not nuts about the picture configuration on the built-in and I kinda wanna do wallpaper on that window wall. Who woulda thought? Certainly not me. I’m also ready to hang pictures up, but totally not into poking holes in my walls just yet… But I seriously love to lay in my bedroom just looking at my day-glo walls. 🙂 Also seeking out the perfect bedding now… I feel lucky. 🙂
Other than that, I’ve been getting classroom materials purchased and prepared. Last year I didn’t plan curriculum and got my room ready instead. This year I’m starting with the curriculum so I feel prepared, no matter what, when September 9th rolls around and my second graders are looking at me expectantly. Sheesh… Can it be so? Am I actually looking forward to teaching this year?!?!? Woohoooooo!
Totally. I’m hating on all 200 of those stupid boxes I have to unpack, but I can’t wait to meet the new crew of people whom I get to love on for nine months!