I have just loved dedicating my spare life minutes to myself over the past few years. Duh, right? But seriously. Any stress I felt feels like it was centered around my drive to eat better or hit my workouts more cleanly. To go faster or farther. That is fun stress to have! (I’m certain it wasn’t the only stress… lol). It’s productive and when I get home after a good workout- I feel alive and full of beautiful, clean energy! I love it. Then hitting the kitchen afterwards for a terribly delicious, run-hunger driven meal. And if runger isn’t the best seasoning I don’t know what is.
I miss knowing I can run for a really long time. Right now I know I can run about 3-6 miles if I need to, but my training distance is around three miles and my push is around five. My knees are bruised purple and swollen, lately. I’m a little worried that crawling around on my knees over the past two weeks at school on kid projects caused some serious damage. On Friday they were purple with little tennis balls puffed up over the top of each one. I rested them up a lot over the weekend with ice, heat and rest, and they look and feel much better, but I’m concerned that maybe I have real damage now. My hip hurts, my shoulder hurts and my knees hurt. Are longer distances still in my future? I think it’s finally time to ask hard questions of my doctor.
I want to run right now. I want to hike. Spring has sprung and I want to run like a jackrabbit along with it right up the mountainside. I’m cautious about working out over spring break, but hopeful that I can make something happen that will help me to remember myself and start moving forward, back to my fit, active self, once again.
Spring certainly has that effect on us. I just want to get outside again. Wisconsin winters are just a bit too long. I am so sorry to hear about your knees. Yikes. Get them checked out. I know I need to get the once over. I ache but chock it up to age. BTW it is great to see you posting again.