I got to run with this girl last night:
As we were running down the road we studied our shadows. She said, “Mama? You look skinny.”
Thinking I misheard her I replied, “Yep, you’re my healthy girl, not too skinny, though! Healthy.”
“Oh, I know, Mama. I wasn’t talking about ME though,” she responded, “I said YOU look skinny.”
Secretly I had been studying my shadow wondering… Is that as womanly shaped of a shadow as I think it is? Do I look unfat, kind of, now?
When I got home I thought about that. I realized that when the Biggest Loser contestants reach the 230’s they start to look like they don’t belong on the Biggest Loser Ranch anymore. This morning I tipped the scales at 238. If I were on TV I would think it would be ok to send me home, I’m skinny enough, capable enough, I’ve got the fever (Bieber?!*)that keeps me going. Determination pouring out of me. Motivated to shreds. Vote that chick off, right? She can run for an hour and still feel good. She is gonna be fine. (That is actually a pretty awesome confidence booster! LOL!)
I’m excited for the eventuality of when I look in the mirror and consistently see myself as smaller than I was at 340…300..280…267. See myself as healthy. Whenever I consider how much I weigh I always think 267. When will my brain own 230’s?! It will happen. I looked in the mirror yesterday and I saw myself again. My face, my smile, my eyes. You know, the version of the woman I know? Yeah, she was looking good. It was nice to see her.
***This is one bomb-diggety teacher appreciation gift! It’s my Cap’n Awesome cape, of course. I’m a superhero in my classroom. See that smile? I KNOW that chick!
Workout Tally
Abs Workouts: 1
Goal: 3
Goal for prize: 4
Miles ran this week: 8
Goal: 15
* While I readily admit to my pop music addiction, I only have Bieber Fever when I’m with my kids.