Do you ever have one of those days where the one thing you don’t want to do is exercise but when you get home you do it anyways and afterwards the very accomplishment of it makes you feel more proud than the time you ran over five miles without stopping? Yeah. I’m having that day.
This is me in my indoor workout gear consisting of a nightie and sneakers. And if you’re wondering, I call those ‘Martha Stewart Poses’. I try to keep it classy here, at Lj House.
I am proud. I spent 30 minutes (and not a second longer) on the elliptical at a solid 130-138 BPM and did enough arms reps to fill 20 minutes. Abs too, for eight minutes. That might sound wimpy, but those eight minutes are brutal on my abs and make me cramp up from time to time!
Anyhow, cheers! Tomorrow is weigh-in one for Diet Bet. This afternoon I weighed in at 213.5, so I think I should be fine if I do the weigh in after work/school tomorrow at the same time. Finally feeling confident again. Phew!
Looking fabulous! I workout in my underwear sometimes, but I am not posting a picture! haha
You’re not alone! LOL! But I’m not posting those pics either. 🙂