Welcome to the most embarrassing set of selfies I’ve ever taken… And here they are, all for your purview! I got home after Zumba the other day and had to go all power pose! I’m just so proud of my Zumba crew and I’m so happy that we are making it work! We are meeting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in my classroom to dance. I came home so excited this week and started snapping away and then kind of forgot how to selfie and it just went bad. Does that ever happen to you? Angles get weird and you catch your double chin overly much? Anyhow… When I look at these I just feel so happy!!! Last week I shared the classroom dance floor with one other person, the next day we had a total of three dancers, this most recent Tuesday we had eight dancers and today we had four and so many of them are people I’ve never danced with before! It’s so exciting to start the music (at shinedancefitness.com for $10 a month!) and let go so soon after the work day. It’s so fun to dance in such a safe, free and dark environment. I sweated it today, again, and my arms and legs are so stiff and sore. There are a couple of intense routines…
I just keep pinching myself in disbelief that it’s working! I like hosting because it keeps me accountable. If it’s in my room then I’m not going to miss the workout unless I’m sick or something. It also guarantees that I’m invited! It’s funny to me that people keep thanking me for hosting, but the only reason it’s in my room is because I have a loud speaker system. And cuz I looooove it! I really hope that we continue. I really hope we rock it like we did last spring and people continue to show up and support one another. I hope my abs and shape get even more toned and I hope that I remember to take a group shot sometime so I don’t have to post more awful selfies!
I found these outfits under the hashtag of #zumba on Instagram. I can’t imagine wearing anything like this to dance Zumba in! Wow! You really have to be a tight and dedicated Zumba princess to wear one of these! And, while I love my Zumba and I love to wear fun exercise clothes, I know that this is just not my kind of outfit. I think I now have a dream that one day one of my coworkers/Zumba compadres shows up in one of these numbers. It would make me so happy (though I’m not sure a workout would happen!)
I have got to check out Zumba again! I tried it a couple years ago when I was at my heaviest and man, it wore me out! I couldn’t go longer than 5 minutes!!