Ignore my cankles and desperate need of a pedicure, and instead focus on that number. That, my friends, is 1.6 pounds away from losing a clean hundred.
Bradley and I tore it up to the tune of 3 miles in 34 minutes today. It was sunny and beautiful, and the weather is supposed to continue to be gorgeous. Today it was warm but by Monday it’s supposed to be in the 80’s- mwa ha ha!! Anyhow, I always have wanted to be a part of a couple that runs together but really, never thought I would ever pony up the sweat enough to do it. Now we are and I love running down the road with him. There’s this strange sense of pride that I have that we are doing this together, unified, supporting one another. That he runs with me.
He is so kind. The man can fly. At his peak he was running 6+ and 7 minute miles. So for him to chug along with me at 11’s is terribly sweet. He could chide me and bully me along, but he lets me be at my own pace on the street routes I insist on running, even though I know he much prefers the track. He lets me run on the road instead of the sidewalk because I hate going up and down the driveways and he even picks up the dog’s ‘do’ and carries it (sometimes for a long time) until we get to a trash can. The best? He lets me sing Selena Gomez* and Queen songs to him while I run. He just smiles. I feel lucky that I have a partner at all, but him? Bees knees.
I love him like a love song baby, and I keep hitting repeat!
I’m 3 miles away from making my goal of 12 miles this week! 🙂
*I know. First Katy Perry, now Selena. There’s something about that power pop that makes me cruise! What can I say?