It’s Summer!

I’m not sure if I’ve ever taken a break this long, from Tamara Shazam. I try to post at least twice a week, but sometimes life gets the better of you…
Like how it was the end of school! The wrap up for this year was exceptionally challenging. Finishing out the school year is always tricky- we have to pack up our rooms while continuing to teach increasingly less compliant children- but this year, with the move, I felt the emotional impact of my leaving acutely. Gracious, I’m going to miss my students. Squirrelly though they may have been, they were a kind, sweet group of kids who would have been great helpers next year… But I did say goodbye. Through a veil of tears!
Packing proved to be a bizarre reminder of my middle aged status- I injured myself by packing! Yep, the act of putting things in boxes, sealing the box with tape and affixing a label on it proved incredibly difficult for my right shoulder-blade-underarm-pectoral muscles. The repetitive motion proved too much for me and I started feeling a tearing/hot/burning sensation. For the past two weeks, I’ve been wearing my sports bra nonstop (so attractive!) and my compression wear. Holding my tatas down and any surrounding tissue has helped tremendously, but I have been unable to exercise or do much else. Even walking has been causing me pain (in my back?!) so I’ve been staying off my feet. Last night was the first night I slept without all the gear in two weeks and I didn’t have any pain, so I think I’m on the right healing track.
We headed to Idaho to see my parents the day after school got out and have been chilling Idaho style ever since! Hello SUMMATIME! Tomorrow I start a weeklong summer institute, but right now I’m not thinking much about that… 🙂


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