May the Fourth

I started the accountability group on Facebook.  So far it’s been really fun to keep up with everyone and have a constant stream of people posting what they are doing to meet their goals for the week.  It’s funny how seeing other people getting out makes me want to do the same.  I can say, without a doubt, that I would not have gone for a short run on Monday and I definitely wouldn’t have gone for a run today.  On Monday it was hot and today I wasn’t feeling it, but I wanted to be able to post in the group so I went out and did the work that earned me the reward post.  My run was literally sponsored and motivated by peer pressure from the group.  It’s funny how saying it out loud makes it more real, somehow.  I love being able to share my hobby with people, so to make such an inviting group with the purpose of doing exactly that has been marvelous.  

On top of that, look at those flowers!  I’ve been amazed at how quickly the season is churning through the flowers.  A few weeks ago it was cherry blossoms, then last week the rhododendrons dropped their blossoms, today I spied these beautiful poppies, smelled the most fragrant rose ever and before we know it I’ll be crunching through the autumnal leaves and marveling at the Christmas lights.  Funny, this cyclical life.  This predictable life.  It really makes the stopping and smelling the roses seem all the more important; creating tiny moments every day.

I’ve been thinking a lot about nutrition lately.  I’m solid on the working out but my eating is not all that great.  I will say I eat a good amount of super healthy foods with a generous serving of ice cream and almonds.  Example? 

Breakfast: sausage, coffee, granola bar

: carrots & hummus

: chik nuggets, 1/2 an apple

: cheese stick, pop chips

: riced cauliflower, sour cream, broccoli, vegan ‘beef’, cheddar, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms

: 1/2 cup smoked almonds, ice cream cone, long-sized graham cracker, 2 squares chocolate, entire apple


As a one- off night I wouldn’t really care, but this is starting to look like a habit.  And this habit will require more than a little Zumba and running to keep up with!  No thanks!

I asked for a scale for Mother’s Day because I want to start practicing weighing food and seeing what it looks like when I eat macros.  Everywhere I read about it I hear the same thing: once I started eating macros the weight melted off, then once I started eating macros for muscle build, I got shredded!  And the people I see eating this way are always eating piles of delicious food, so it’s worth a try.

Macros, boiled down, is a lot like weight watchers, its just not packaged quite like WW.  You eat for your body, measuring out exact amounts of protein, carbs and fats based on your weight and activity levels.  It’s not rocket science but it is a new way of prepping and thinking about food that I’m excited to try.  After years of eating around 1400-1600 calories per day, I think I need to eat a little bit more unless I want to sustain that for life.  According to this macros calculator, I actually should be eating 1975 calories per day.  I’ve been shifting my eating to make that adjustment…  Perhaps that’s why my food has been all whack-a-do lately.  I’m not used to letting up and relaxing the reins with myself and I can see why.  I go off leash and hit the kitchen pretty hard!  My goal next week is to dial back the night eating.  I’ll ween myself this week.  🙂

***I haven’t forgotten about the folks who read here for the group.  🙂


  1. Paula

    That is me too. I really have the exercise thing down. It is very rare for me to miss a workout. But the eating, now that is a different story. I find the time thing most challenging. There are nights when I have completed work & went for my run. Driving home the temptation to stop at the sub shop is so appealing. Easier. But I do not want to begin the cycle of eating too much processed foods. I am interested in hearing more on this macro thing & how you manage to know what to eat to meet your needs.

  2. I have been so interested in eating my macros but I’ll be honest, I’m lost!! I’m headed to the links you added to take a look. I know I need more protein for sure!

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