Let the Training Begin!


Today was day one of Team Awesome (Team Awesome consists of my husband, me and anyone else who reads this site). We rose and shone extra shinily this morning and immediately committed to a three mile run. I dressed in my Mickey Mouse shirt for my inaugural training run, because unbeknownst to my running partner, today was day one of Operation Team Awesome Trains for a Half Marathon (yes, I am making this name up as I go). But it really was the first day of training and my husband didn’t know that training started today. He said, after, that if I’m trying for a half marathon then he is too. Since we run together, I have a partner by default! LOL!
He has been feeling under the weather and was also wavering in his belief in himself. For some reason, he thought he was out of shape and no longer capable of running. Having been there only last week, I reminded him that half the battle is proving to yourself that you’ve still got it. That you still can. And the only way to do that is to hit the street with a run in mind and prove yourself up. It’s amazing what negative self talk can do to a person.
I had the opposite experience. Today was a superhero day- one of those workouts where you feel indomitable; it was the kind of workout that would annoy people. Why? I kept saying loudly, “I’m so loving this workout today! I’m having the best time!” And other obnoxious things like that. If today were the half marathon, I promise that I would have enjoyed the heck out of finishing it. It was such a fun run. I’m so glad I’ve figured out how to love running again. Races are important to me. Without one in front of me, I find it real easy to slack off.
So, training…
My goal this week is to hit 13 miles. That means I’ll do three runs of three miles a piece, and one run of four miles. I’ll. probably get the four miler next Saturday. I need to do strength training two days and I can take one day off of everything to rest. Probably Friday. I think I will do this next week, too, as I amp up my mileage and get used to putting distance behind me.


One Comment

  1. That is amazing! Keep up the hard work! I’ve been training for a half in three weeks. It’s been a bit rough. However, sticking with it is powerful!

    Check out my friends Facebook group – Brooksmarathon. She has all kinds of motivation!!

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