It’s All Good

{the days have been full of sunshine, inside and out}
A friend texted me yesterday and asked if everything is okay. Then a friend at work did the same today. I put two and two together and realized I haven’t posted much lately! Things have been pretty quiet here…
Yes, quiet on my blog, but not in life. I’m entering the time of year that feels like it should be easy-breezy-summertime-goodness, but really it’s a lot of wrapping things up, getting things done and partying while you do it- a lot like Christmas! Insane but happy! So, while I haven’t been busy doing lame stuff, I’ve been at threat level midnight of busy-ness for mostly fun stuff like family visits, mall trips, date nights, music performances… The result has been not to much of the taking care of me, stuff like running or paying close attention to my diet. I haven’t gained anything, that’s for sure. In fact, I’m so busy that I’m finding time to eat to be scarce right now. Today I ate two veggie sausages, three veggie chik nuggets and one coffee- that’s total for the day- a horrible diet! I made up for it tonight, but that’s just to illustrate my crazy days.
So it’s all good. I’m just so busy checking things off lists that blogging and running have fallen to the wayside.
(Truth be absolutely confided, I’m also in the middle of my final observation/evaluation this week. While I’m not really worried – I believe in my abilities as a teacher- it’s still tremendously stressful to stand under the microscope for inspection and invite criticism. I feel the impact weighing oppressively down on me; when it’s gone, life can resume as normal and I can focus elsewhere. I hadn’t realized I was even bothered until last night!)

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