Derpy Dance Pic of the Day
So far so good!
I solved question number one of why I’m gaining weight. I’ve been eating wayyyyy too much food. That should be obvious, but I always find that when one has habits that seem normal, it can be hard to see your way around the habit to the honesty. For me, I’m always like, “I eat healthy food! What is the problem?!?” The problem is that I was eating way too much of said healthy food. Ha ha!
This was from 1/1/20 and there’s hardly a deficiency. I’m lucky there was a 75 minute dance party this day otherwise I’d have been over. I think this is how I’ve been eating, every day, whether or not I worked out. And to be honest, I haven’t been working out that much this fall. Between injuries and bizarro, long lasting illnesses, I’ve been lucky to make it to a workout once a week. No more though. I danced every day this winter break with the exception of Christmas Day, New Years Eve and Bradley’s birthday. I’m pretty proud that i made it to dance that often. I feel so much better in my skin- enough to even have hopped on the scale this morning to see 252 pop up. BOINK! There’s the number I’m working with!
This was yesterday, 1/2/20, and a way better day for my control over my nutrition. If you’re wondering, I ate the same thing for lunch and dinner so entered it at the same time. I was intentional though yesterday and I felt proud of myself.
I started out today with dance and will continue to do so for the rest of the weekend. As I head back to work next week, my goal is to dance on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. On Friday I will teach a dance class at my school, so I’ll count that too. I need to figure out something to do on the other days aside from just starve myself. I run the daily mile with my students but that’s only 15 minutes per day. Maybe I’ll elliptical? Dance at home? Rest assured I’ll keep you posted. 👍